All Testimonials

Iyashi Wand Review

 I have arthritis quite severely in my hands. It is very painful for me to pick up anything or hold anything. The things I missed the most were my knitting and a nice hot cup of tea. My granddaughter came to visit me to take me out to lunch for my birthday. I was so embarrassed because I really had to struggle to put the flowers she brought me into a vase. I was trying to figure out what to order for lunch so I didn’t embarrass myself further. When your hands hurt, you get really clumsy. My granddaughter saw me struggling with the flowers and offered to use a wand on me. I decided to humor her because she was trying to be helpful. It was the Iyashi wand. I couldn’t help but giggle. How could twirling some metal thing around my hands possibly do anything? I was soon laughing on the other side of my face. To my amazement, I could close my fingers without pain. I was even able to pick up the vase of flowers and carry it. The best birthday present was being gifted with the wand by my granddaughter. I use it every day and now I can knit again. You have no idea how much being able to use my hands again means to me.

Testimonial By: Doris

Iyashi Wand Review

 After testing your wand with others I am most impressed with the Iyashi Wand and would recommend them to my patients and probably the other products you’re now carrying (they look great!). Could you send the two publications What Are Zero-Point Energy Wands? and Zero-Point Energy Wand –Illustrated Wanding Guide and Workbook which you mentioned in this last e-mail.

Testimonial By: Dr. Allen

Iyashi Wand Review

 thank so much I just received my Iyashi wand. I am very happy. I would shop other items in the next days.

Testimonial By: Franchesca R

Iyashi Wand Review

 Two quick stories: 1:My 84 year old mother in law was complaining of severe hip and knee pain recently. Usually, because I am a massage therapist, I would perform manual tissue manipulation to alleviate the issue, causing considerable discomfort in the process. Instead, I loaned her a wand and instructed her as to its use, including the proper reflexology points to address. I checked 6 hours later and she was astonished that she was pain-free! She wouldn't let me have the wand back, and two of her friends called and wanted one the next day. 2:I was working with a client today who has had TMJ for over 20 years. I slid the wand into the finger of a rubber glove and placed it in the inside of her mouth at the TM joint area, and within minutes her jaw began to release. She was thrilled! So was I! She will soon own have her own wand. I have had TREMENDOUS personal positive benefits with the wand in assisting the healing of a recent injury as a result of falling off of a ladder. I am a massage therapist, and use the wand daily in my treatment work! My clients love it. Thanks!

Testimonial By: Fred Engel  — LMT

Iyashi Wand Review

 As discussed here my review of the amazing Iyashi Wand. Before I received the Wand I watched some videos and read the Iyashi book that you kindly sent me , so I was a bit informed beforehand. One thing that was frequently mentioned was that people could sleep very well with the Wand next to them at night. Naturally after I received the Wand and used it briefly I wanted to try this out and test for myself if my sleep would improve... haha it didn't but something far more amazing happened in the first night. I first want to state that I didn't had any expectations just plain curiosity, also I am eating mostly organic and I am quite sensitive to energies as I am familiar with energy healing etc ( as a patient not a healer ). I woke up in the middle of the night ( my head was pointed towards the Wand ) with closed eyes I could see a very orange/yellow energy and strongly felt it penetrating my head. At this point I didn't think of the wand as I had rare experiences like this before ( after what you could call energy sessions ) but the colour was different. After a while of feeling this strong energy I turned around ( with my back facing the wand ) and this is when I realized that this energy power came from the wand as I could feel such a strong energy wall building up behind me ( the full length of my body 6"1) , it was just unbelievable. The intensity of the energy was so strong that i literally felt as my body would be pushed away. I can't remember for how long this went on and how long it took to get back to sleep but I'll never forget the intensity.... this super strong energy wall. Anyway I can only suggest to anyone to use it but not to forget that we always need a holistic approach , so you're food has to be right and also we always have to work on our thoughts.

Testimonial By: Maurice  — London, UK