The Itsu Sync Alpha CD is designed to balance the full range of your alpha brainwaves. Alpha brainwaves are the middle ground of brainwaves and by balancing them you will fix the majority of problems caused by brainwave imbalances. Everyone can benefit from improving their alpha brainwaves even if they feel they don't suffer from the conditions imbalances usually produced. The alpha brainwaves are extremely important because they are the base of our energy and prevent anxiety. By having balanced alpha brainwaves we are able to reduce fatigue, increase energy, improve focus, reduce anxiety, learn new information and improve our mood due to natural serotonin release.

How Itsu Sync works is mimicking natural healthy brainwaves through the use of binaural beats in the 8-13Hz range. When you listen to these binaural beats our brains will naturally start to align with the frequencies bringing the brain back into the healthy and balanced state. When our brain is not creating these frequencies naturally, through underactivity or over activity we start to experience low energy, anxiety, poor focus, and other imbalances will occur in our body.
The Itsu Syncs Alpha CD contains 4 unique tracks which use the full range of alpha binaural beats which also incorporates our oscillation technology that allows us to deliver the full 8-13Hz range in a single track compared to just a single static binaural tone. This technology allows each track to deliver all the alpha frequencies to you at once balancing your brain quicker, faster and safer. By balancing the full range of alpha brainwaves simultaneously your brainwaves will align faster as they are all linked together. Each track is unique and also has been professionally overlaid with quality music to enhance your listening experience. You can play a sample below.
-The CD includes 4 tracks each 15 minutes in length for a total time of 1 hour
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Please put on your headphones to listen to the following sample track. Using speakers or low quality ear buds may not be able to produce the binaural tones and sounds from our tracks.
Benefits of Itsu Sync Alpha CD
Increase Energy & Reduce Fatigue: Using Itsu Sync Alpha binaural beats to increases your energy naturally by giving you proper post-sleep rejuvenation leaving you waking up feeling restored and energetic. Low alpha brainwaves can leave us still feeling tired in the morning making us tired and fatigued throughout the day. By balancing and raising the alpha brainwaves to their proper state you will wake up feeling restored and energetic.
Reduce Anxiety: Anxiety stems from having low alpha brainwaves and binaural beats can be a natural anxiety treatment by raising our alpha brainwaves to their correct level. When we have this under activity in our alpha brainwaves we have over activity in our beta brainwaves which creates anxiety. By balancing the alpha brainwaves we subsequently lower the correlating beta brainwaves eliminating that anxiety. |
Increase Focus: When we improve our alpha brainwaves our ability to focus increases enhancing concentration studying and are ability to learn. This is largely due to the same low alphas that are reducing our energy and creating anxiety. By eliminating these imbalances we get your focus and concentration to where it should be naturally, this is the first step to better focus and concentration. To improve further you should look at our Beta and Gamma CD’s to improve the highest mental processing in your brain. |
Mood Elevation & Serotonin Release: Balancing our brainwaves allows the body to correctly control its hormones and control things like serotonin. Anxiety and Depression can be the cause of improper serotonin release which our alpha brainwaves control. By balancing our alpha brainwaves with binaural beats we can balance our serotonin release elevating our mood and overall happiness. For depression it is also necessary to balance our beta brainwaves. |
Meditation: When we meditate there can be activity in all our brainwave frequencies. Using Itsu Syncs Alpha binaural beats during meditation is an excellent way to give you a relaxed yet energetic experience. It can enhance your meditation leaving you with calm energy to continue the rest of the day with. |
Learn New Information: While all the brainwaves play a certain part in our ability to learn, concentrate and memorize alpha brainwaves are usually the most active when we perform these types of activities. They are the most stable brainwaves in comparison to Beta and Gamma for concentration, memorization and learning so it is important that they are balanced so they can be used when performing these activities as we are not always able to maintain our beta and gamma brainwaves. |
For the Best Results
Using a single Itsu Sync CD will deliver great results for that specific area we always recommend using the full CD set for the best results. Our brains rely on all the different brainwaves to stay in sync and healthy so it is important to keep the entire brain balanced. When one range of brainwaves it is imbalanced it can cause other parts of the brain to over or under compensate creating other imbalances. Simply it means if your alpha brainwaves are too low causing anxiety your beta brainwaves will be too high causing more imbalances.
How to Listen & Use of High Quality Headphones
To achieve the results you need to use headphonesas binaural beats are created though creating specific tones in your left and right ears. All CDs contain high quality audio and to achieve a pure precise tone you must use high quality headphones. We provide the type of headphones needed with the correct frequency range individually or in our pro package at a very affordable price. These headphones are specifically designed for binaural beats and have a 10Hz to 24000Hz frequency response. If you have similar high quality headphones you may also use those instead.
When should I Use Itsu Sync?
You can listen to the Alpha CD anytime during the day or when you are engaging in a specific activity. For example if you want to more energy and less fatigue in the morning you should listen to the alpha CD when you wake up in the morning to start your day.
How often should I Use Itsu Sync?
You should listen to at least 1 track from each CD daily. You can listen to one track form each CD’s in the same sitting or individually when engaging in specific activities like described before. You can also listen to one track multiple times per day as you desire.
What Track should I listen to?
We suggest using one track per CD daily, for example on Monday listen to track 1 of the Alpha CD then on Tuesday listen to track 2, Wednesday track 3, Thursday track 4 and on Friday back to track 1. While each track contains the full range of frequencies they are interlaced differently and by changing which track you listen to daily it helps train your brain quicker achieving faster results.
Where should I listen to Itsu Sync?
It is best to listen in a quite area with your eyes closed in a relaxed state; relax your mind and listen to the music. You may also listen when performing activities when you are preoccupied. Outside sounds or focusing on non-related activities can distract the mind and you won't receive the benefits as quickly.
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